Harness the power of the sun to cut your energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint with solar panels in Dundee.

Become part of the expanding community of Dundee residents and eco-friendly businesses driving positive change with solar energy.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Stuart and his team for the fantastic job for installing my ground mount Solar Array and home storage battery system.

I had my own ideas what I wanted and i-Protech team helped to guide and make my ideas reality. I had a lot a lot of questions during installation and the team answered everything with their sound knowledge, so gave me confidence that the job was getting professionally done.

After the installation and commissioning was done, the system surpassed my expectations of how much solar power I was producing and surplus power going to my battery.

I would highly recommend I-protech to anyone who was wanting to install a renewable energy system.

Local customer


  • Solar energy is a sustainable choice for powering your home or business. By shifting to this renewable resource, you can reduce harmful emissions and harness the sun’s power through a simple yet transformative process. Our solar PV systems are designed to meet the electrical needs of your home, office, or other facilities.
  • Angus and Dundee offer excellent long-term investment opportunities for solar panel installations. With favorable solar conditions and ample sunlight throughout the year, your solar systems can generate electricity efficiently, maximising your return on investment. Additionally, your solar solution will significantly reduce your monthly electricity bills and may qualify for government incentives.
  • Solar photovoltaic systems provide energy independence, giving you control over your energy production and consumption. Traditional power outages caused by storms, grid failures, maintenance, or energy price fluctuations will no longer be a concern.

Let us help you make the switch to green energy a seamless and rewarding experience. We can guide you towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

The Best Solar Panels in ANGUS

Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, we provide the ideal renewable energy solutions for Dundee and Angus. Understanding the specific energy requirements of the region, we recommend solutions that are perfectly suited to local climate conditions.

Our expert team will support you throughout the entire process, from designing a bespoke solar solution for your property to ensuring a flawless installation and integration. By using top-quality solar panels, we deliver a dependable and efficient system that maximises your energy savings while reducing your environmental footprint.

Our solar PV systems are designed to endure Dundee’s unique climate, including its characteristic wind and rain.

Embrace energy independence with our tailored solar PV solutions:

  • Grid-tied systems: Send excess electricity back to the grid, potentially earning credits or reducing your electricity bills.
  • Off-grid systems: Store surplus solar energy to meet your needs during low sunlight or nighttime.

Interested in learning more about our customised solar panels in Angus? Contact us today for a consultation and take charge of your energy costs!


i-Protech is your top choice for solar PV power systems in Dundee and across Angus. We collaborate with leading solar panel manufacturers and utilize advanced inverters and monitoring systems to ensure your solar panels perform optimally, maximizing your investment return.

As your reliable solar PV installers, we are committed to exceeding your expectations with top-quality installation at every stage of the process.

Top quality PV system installation in ANGUS

Our skilled technicians handle the entire solar panel installation process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

Solar panel maintenance and repair for peak performance

Our team conducts thorough solar panel site surveys, inspections, cleaning, and necessary repairs to maximise your system’s efficiency and longevity.

Upgrades and expansion to meet your changing energy needs

We stay up-to-date with the latest solar technology advancements, allowing us to recommend the most efficient and cutting-edge solutions for solar panel installation in Dundee.

Our Solar Installation Services Include:

  • Roof fittings to securely mount the panels on your roof. We take great care to ensure the integrity of the installation and protect your property.
  • Panel fitting for proper alignment to maximise the exposure to sunlight and optimise energy production.
  • DC to inverter connection for converting the DC power into usable alternating current (AC) electricity for your household or business needs.
  • AC integration to fuse box so the solar-generated electricity is available for immediate consumption, reducing your reliance on grid-supplied power.
  • Generation and export meter installation to track your system’s performance, potential savings, and the amount of electricity exported.

CALL i-Protech TODAY on: 01382 214873

Expertise • Customer Satisfaction • Top-of-the-Class Local Services • Effective Solar Panel Installer

With years of experience in the industry, our team has the knowledge and expertise to deliver exceptional solar panel installation in Dundee. We work closely with you to understand your requirements, provide transparent pricing, and deliver results that exceed your expectations.

Take the first step towards a sustainable, cost-effective energy future! Contact us today and start harnessing the power of the sun!

Other Solar Panel services

We can provide all the related solar panel products and services for your installation, such as:

  • Solar panel maintenance and repair
  • Solar storage batteries
  • Micro inverters and optimisers for unbalanced solar PV systems
  • Voltage optimisation
  • Water heater control
  • Solar energy generation display

Contact us about Solar Panels in DUNDEE today and get your free estimate